Firmware Inventory
Board Chip Designation Chip Type Software required for re-build Current Firmware developer Institution Source code is stored 
CFEB Control FPGA xilinx xcv50-pq240-4c MentorGraphics Dxdesigner & Xilinx ISE Jianhui Gu Ohio State U Laptop, with backup in USB disks (several copies)
DMB VME FPGA Xilinx XC2s200-FG456-5c MentorGraphics Dxdesigner & Xilinx ISE Jianhui Gu Ohio State U Laptop, with backup in USB disks (several copies)
DMB Control FPGA Xilinix XC2V500-FG456-4 MentorGraphics Dxdesigner & Xilinx ISE Jianhui Gu Ohio State U Laptop, with backup in USB disks (several copies)
DCC Input FPGA Xilinx XC2VP2-FF672-6c MentorGraphics Dxdesigner & Xilinx ISE Jianhui Gu Ohio State U Laptop, with backup in USB disks (several copies)
DCC Main FPGA Xilinx XC2VP20-FF896-5c MentorGraphics Dxdesigner & Xilinx ISE Jianhui Gu Ohio State U Laptop, with backup in USB disks (several copies)
VCC Main FPGA Xilinx XC2VP20-FF896-5c Xilinx ISE Ben Bylsma Ohio State U Laptop, 2 desktops, and zipped version on web server.  Plans for storing in CMS firmware repository.
DDU Input Control FPGA Xilinx XC2VP20-6FG676c MentorGraphics Dxdesigner & Xilinx ISE Jiason Gilmore Ohio State U departmental server with regular backups
DDU DDU Control FPGA Xilinx XC2VP7-6FF672c MentorGraphics Dxdesigner & Xilinx ISE Jiason Gilmore Ohio State U departmental server with regular backups
DDU VME Control FPGA Xilinx XC2V500-5FG456c MentorGraphics Dxdesigner & Xilinx ISE Jiason Gilmore Ohio State U departmental server with regular backups
Clock and Control Board (CCB2004) Main FPGA  XC2V250-FG456-4C Xilinx ISE 6.2.03i Mikhail Matveev  Rice University Source code and downloading files (mcs and svf)are stored at developer's laptop, CD (at Rice U)and website 
Muon Port Card (MPC2004) Main FPGA  XCV600E-FG680-8C Xilinx ISE 6.2.03i Mikhail Matveev  Rice University Source code and downloading files (mcs and svf)are stored at developer's laptop, CD (at Rice U)and website 
Muon Sorter (MS2005) Main FPGA  XC2V4000-FF1152-5C  Xilinx ISE 6.2.03i Mikhail Matveev  Rice University Source code and downloading files (mcs and svf)are stored at developer's laptop, CD (at Rice U)and website  
Muon Sorter (MS2005) VME Interface PLD  XCR3128XL-TQ144  Xilinx ISE 6.2.03i Mikhail Matveev  Rice University Source code and downloading files (mcs and svf)are stored at developer's laptop, CD (at Rice U)and website