This spreadsheet contains information about the LV system for CSC.  
The worksheets are:  
  Cable Sheet  
  This worksheet is in the cable db entry format and lists the LV cables from both Maraton to Pcrate CRB and the chamber junction boxes, LVM.  It also gives the label names for each of the cables.  
  This worksheet lists the Prates and the Maraton channels that power them  
  This worksheet lists the Junction Boxes, LVM, and the Maraton channels that power them  
  Sort by Maraton  
  This worksheet combines the information of the previous two and sorts by Maraton and the channel.  It servers two purposes, first it checks that all the Maraton channels are present and only used once.  Second it shows the links from a Maraton centric perspective.  
  This worksheet shows the DSS matrix for the racks with Prates in them.  An alarm within any of these Pcrate racks will require power to be turned off in the PFC powering the Maraton in the worksheet.  
  This worksheet if from Dan Wenman's workbook of the same name.