This page is being used by me (Fred) as a work page to develop the operations TWiki pages. ---+ *CSC Operations Procedures by sub-system for the End Cap Muon, ME, sub-detector.* ---+++ _Click on an entry to go to the operations procedures for each System and Usage_ | *System* | *Normal(Shift)* | *Emergency* | *Power Up/Down* | *Expert* | *Read More* | | Shift | [[#CSCopsSHF][Shift]] | [[#CSCemgSHF][Call & Do]] | [[#CSCpudSHF][Power UP]] | [[CSCexpSHF][Expert]] | [[#CSCdocSHF][Doc]] | | *Hardware* | | | | | | | DSS | [[#CSCOpsDSS]] | [[#CSCemgDSS][Emergency]] | [[#CSCpudDSS]] | [[#CSCex[DSS]] | [[#CSCdocDSS][Doc]] | | DCS-CMS | CSCOpsWPTemp | CSCOpsWPTemp | CSCOpsWPTemp | CSCOpsWPTemp | CSCOpsWPTemp | | DCS-CSC | CSCOpsWPTemp | CSCOpsWPTemp | CSCOpsWPTemp | CSCOpsWPTemp | CSCOpsWPTemp | | Gas | CSCOpsWPTemp | CSCOpsWPTemp | CSCOpsWPTemp | CSCOpsWPTemp | CSCOpsWPTemp | | HV | CSCOpsWPTemp | CSCOpsWPTemp | CSCOpsWPTemp | CSCOpsWPTemp | CSCOpsWPTemp | | LV (CSC/PCrates)| [[CSCLVPSProcedures#ShiFt][Shift]] | [[CSCLVPSProcedures#EmerGency][Urgance]] | [[CSCLVPSProcedures#PwUpDn][Turn On/OFF]] | [[CSCLVPSProcedures#ExPert][Expert]] | [[CSCLVPSProcedures#RdMr][Read Me]] | | pcrates | [[CSCLVPSProcedures]] | CSCOpsWPTemp | CSCOpsWPTemp | CSCOpsWPTemp | CSCOpsWPTemp | | FED | CSCOpsWPTemp | CSCOpsWPTemp | CSCOpsWPTemp | CSCOpsWPTemp | CSCOpsWPTemp | | TTC | CSCOpsWPTemp | CSCOpsWPTemp | CSCOpsWPTemp | CSCOpsWPTemp | CSCOpsWPTemp | | Track Finder| [[#CSCopsSHF][Shift]] | [[CSCemgSHF][Emergency]] | [[CSCpudSHF][Power UP]] | - | [[CSCdocSHF][Doc]] | | xxx| CSCOpsWPTemp | CSCOpsWPTemp | CSCOpsWPTemp | CSCOpsWPTemp | CSCOpsWPTemp | | - | - | - | - | - | - | | - | - | - | - | - | - | | *Processes* | | | | | | | Run Control | CSCOpsWPTemp | CSCOpsWPTemp | CSCOpsWPTemp | CSCOpsWPTemp | CSCOpsWPTemp | | Job Control | CSCOpsWPTemp | CSCOpsWPTemp | CSCOpsWPTemp | CSCOpsWPTemp | CSCOpsWPTemp | | TTC/LTC | CSCOpsWPTemp | CSCOpsWPTemp | CSCOpsWPTemp | CSCOpsWPTemp | CSCOpsWPTemp | | PCrate | CSCOpsWPTemp | CSCOpsWPTemp | CSCOpsWPTemp | CSCOpsWPTemp | CSCOpsWPTemp | | Track Finder | CSCOpsWPTemp | CSCOpsWPTemp | CSCOpsWPTemp | CSCOpsWPTemp | CSCOpsWPTemp | | DCS - CSC | CSCOpsWPTemp | CSCOpsWPTemp | CSCOpsWPTemp | CSCOpsWPTemp | CSCOpsWPTemp | | FED | CSCOpsWPTemp | CSCOpsWPTemp | CSCOpsWPTemp | CSCOpsWPTemp | CSCOpsWPTemp | | Local DAQ| CSCOpsWPTemp | CSCOpsWPTemp | CSCOpsWPTemp | CSCOpsWPTemp | CSCOpsWPTemp | | DQM | CSCOpsWPTemp | CSCOpsWPTemp | CSCOpsWPTemp | CSCOpsWPTemp | CSCOpsWPTemp | | - | - | - | - | - | - | | - | - | - | - | - | - | | - | - | - | - | - | - | ---+ *Shift* #CSCopsSHF ---++ Shift >> Normal Shift Procedures >>> ---+++ Shift >> Normal Shift Procedures >>> UCR Work Station Use The CSC shift work station monitor has 4 virtual screens | *XDaq Browser Window(s)* | Tail on Process log file(s) | | 2nd Xdaq Browser Windos(s) | *CSC DCS Window* | ---++++ *Shift >> Normal Shift Procedures >>> UCR Work Station Use >>> XDaq Browser Window(s) -- Bookmarks for the Operations Web Page* The following table gives the BOOKMARKS for the Operators WEB pages << XDAQ interface pages >> in the UCR. The links will NOT work directly unless you are viewing this page from the CMSUSR or CSC clusters. If you are on the CERN or outside cluster you must copy the link and insert it into the web page on the internal cluster. | *Plus side peripheral crates* || | csc-pc1 Manager | < http://csc-pc1.cms:40010/urn:xdaq-application:service=hyperdaq> | | csc-pc1 Broadcast | < http://csc-pc1.cms:40020/urn:xdaq-application:service=hyperdaq> | | csc-pc1 Config | < http://csc-pc1.cms:40011/urn:xdaq-application:service=hyperdaq> | | *Plus side FED crates* || | FED Crate 1 | < http://csc-fed1.cms:40100/urn:xdaq-application:lid=71 > | | FED Crate 2 | < http://csc-fed1.cms:40100/urn:xdaq-application:lid=72 > | | *Minus side Peripheral Crates* || | csc-pc2 Manager | < http://csc-pc2.cms:40010/urn:xdaq-application:service=hyperdaq> | | csc-pc2 Broadcast | < http://csc-pc2.cms:40020/urn:xdaq-application:service=hyperdaq> | | csc-pc2 Config | < http://csc-pc2.cms:40011/urn:xdaq-application:service=hyperdaq> | | *Minus side FED crates* || | FED Crate 3 | < http://csc-fed2.cms:40100/urn:xdaq-application:lid=71/> | | FED Crate 4 | < http://csc-fed2.cms:40100/urn:xdaq-application:lid=72/> | | *FED tools* || | kill fiber GUI | < http://csc-pc2.cms:40023/urn:xdaq-application:service=hyperdaq> | | DDU channel finder | < http://csc-pc2.cms:40022> | | CSC RUI-to-chamber mapping | < file:///cmssrv0/nfshome0/cscdaq/config/EmuDAQ/RUI-to-chamber_mapping.xml> | | *Local DAQ* || | CSC Local DAQ manager | < http://csc-daq00.cms:40200/urn:xdaq-application:lid=12> | | *DQM* || | CSC Track Finder DQM | <> | | Online CSC DQM | <> | | *DCS* || | ME+4 HV, LV | < http://csc-dcs-mep4.cms:5801 > | | CSC Phone Numbers | < http://cmssrv0/nfshome0/cscpro/html/CSCPhoneNumbers.html > | | *Job Control* || | Run Control | < http://cmsrc-csc.cms:12000/rcms/gui/servlet/RunGroupChooserServlet > | | TTC job control | < http://ttc-csc.cms:39999/urn:xdaq-application:service=hyperdaq > | | csc-pc1 job control | < http://csc-pc1.cms:39999/urn:xdaq-application:service=hyperdaq > | | csc-pc2 job control | < http://csc-pc2.cms:39999/urn:xdaq-application:service=hyperdaq > | | *TTC/LTC* || | LTC | < http://ttc-csc.cms:40110/urn:xdaq-application:lid=30 > | | TTC plus endcap | < http://ttc-csc.cms:40110/urn:xdaq-application:lid=40 > | | TTC minus endcap | < http://ttc-csc.cms:40110/urn:xdaq-application:lid=41 > | | TTC track finder | < http://ttc-csc.cms:40110/urn:xdaq-application:lid=42 > | | *Track Finder* || | FED Crate Control | < http://csc-tf.cms:40100/urn:xdaq-application:lid=79/ > | *Tail on Process log file(s)* The log file must be monitored as the process is run. This log file is monitored in the upper right virtual panel. {It can also be followed from your Laptop.} *CSC DCS Window* The DCS for CSC (not to be confused for the DCS for CMS which is primarily the racks and CMS wide systems) is access through the a window to the top level CSC DCS computer. #CSCemgSHF ---++ Shift >> Emergency Procedures >>> (and call list) #CSCpudSHF ---++ Shift >> Power UP or Down >>> ---+++ Shift >> Power UP or Down >>> UCR Work Station Set up The CSC shift work station monitor has 4 virtual screens | *Upper Left* | Upper Right | | Lower Left | *Lower Right* | | *XDaq Browser Window(s)* | Tail on Process log file(s) | | - | *CSC DCS Window* | *XDaq Browser Window(s)* {To run the browser from your laptop you need to open a tunnel from the CERN network to CMSUSR} * open a sigwin terminal window * log on (if asked) * ssh to cmsusr * > ssh -NF -D 1080 *Tail on Process log file(s)* The log file must be monitored as the process is run. This log file is monitored in the upper right virtual panel. {It can also be followed from your Laptop.} * In the upper right panel open a text window. {Open a text window on your laptop and then ssh to cmsusr} * Then ssh into the CSC machine * >> ssh csc-pc1 (for the machine and process for the PLUS end) OR * >> ssh-pc2 (for the machine and process for the MINUS end) * Then do * >> cd /tmp (to get to the tmp directory) * Then do * >> ls -ltr (to list the log files in time order) * Find the last one * The log file name will look like >> xdaqjcPID3259.log * Then tail this log file * >> tail -f file_name *CSC DCS Window* The DCS for CSC (not to be confused for the DCS for CMS which is primarily the racks and CMS wide systems) is access through the a window to the top level CSC DCS computer. The DCS process runs on a Windows machine. You must bridge to that machine. We us VNCviewer to open a remote window on that machine. * The DCS control can be accessed in one of two ways * 1 - Open the DCS window from the shifter web page using the DCS tab > this starts VNCviewer and pops up a log on window * select the mep4 tab * 2 - Open a terminal window and then start the VNC viewer {use this step from your laptop} * >> vncviewer csc-dcs-mep4:1 * { you need an ssh tunnel from your laptop to cmsusr for your browser and VNC to work. } * Input the password * A virtual window containing the top panel for the CSC DCS system should appear. #CSCexpSHF ---++ Shift >> Expert Procedures are >>> #CSCdocSHF ---++ Shift >> Documentation >> ---+ *DSS* #CSCcallDSS ---++ For problems the call list is in order >>> #CSCemgDSS ---++ Emergency Procedures >>> #CSCpudDSS ---++ Power UP or Down >>> #CSCopsDSS ---++ Normal Shift Procedures >>> #CSCexpDSS ---++ Expert Procedures are >>> #CSCdocDSS ---++ Documentation >> ---+ *DCS-CMS* #CSCcallCMS ---++ For problems the call list is in order >>> #CSCemgCMS ---++ Emergency Procedures >>> #CSCpudCMS ---++ Power UP or Down >>> #CSCopsCMS ---++ Normal Shift Procedures >>> #CSCexpCMS ---++ Expert Procedures are >>> #CSCdocCMS ---++ Documentation >> ---+ *DCS-CSC* #CSCcallCSC ---++ For problems the call list is in order >>> #CSCemgCSC ---++ Emergency Procedures >>> #CSCpudCSC ---++ Power UP or Down >>> #CSCopsCSC ---++ Normal Shift Procedures >>> #CSCexpCSC ---++ Expert Procedures are >>> #CSCdocCSC ---++ Documentation >> ---+ *Gas* #CSCcallGAS ---++ For problems the call list is in order >>> #CSCemgGAS ---++ Emergency Procedures >>> #CSCpudGAS ---++ Power UP or Down >>> #CSCopsGAS ---++ Normal Shift Procedures >>> #CSCexpGAS ---++ Expert Procedures are >>> #CSCdocGAS ---++ Documentation >> ---+ *HV* #CSCcallHV ---++ For problems the call list is in order >>> #CSCemgHV ---++ Emergency Procedures >>> #CSCpudHV ---++ Power UP or Down >>> #CSCopsHV ---++ Normal Shift Procedures >>> #CSCexpHV ---++ Expert Procedures are >>> #CSCdocHV ---++ Documentation >> ---+ *LV* #CSCcallLV ---++ For problems the call list is in order >>> #CSCemgLV ---++ Emergency Procedures >>> #CSCpudLV ---++ Power UP or Down >>> #CSCopsLV ---++ Normal Shift Procedures >>> #CSCexpLV ---++ Expert Procedures are >>> #CSCdocLV ---++ Documentation >> ---+ *PCrates* #CSCcallPCR ---++ For problems the call list is in order >>> #CSCemgPCR ---++ Emergency Procedures >>> #CSCpudPCR ---++ Power UP or Down >>> #CSCopsPCR ---++ Normal Shift Procedures >>> #CSCexpPCR ---++ Expert Procedures are >>> #CSCdocPCR ---++ Documentation >> ---+ *FED* #CSCcallFED ---++ For problems the call list is in order >>> #CSCemgFED ---++ Emergency Procedures >>> #CSCpudFED ---++ Power UP or Down >>> #CSCopsFED ---++ Normal Shift Procedures >>> #CSCexpFED ---++ Expert Procedures are >>> #CSCdocFED ---++ Documentation >> ---+ *TTC* #CSCcallTTC ---++ For problems the call list is in order >>> #CSCemgTTC ---++ Emergency Procedures >>> #CSCpudTTC ---++ Power UP or Down >>> #CSCopsTTC ---++ Normal Shift Procedures >>> #CSCexpTTC ---++ Expert Procedures are >>> #CSCdocTTC ---++ Documentation >> ---+ *TF - Track Finder* #CSCcallTF ---++ For problems the call list is in order >>> #CSCemgDTF ---++ Emergency Procedures >>> #CSCpudTF ---++ Power UP or Down >>> #CSCopsTF ---++ Normal Shift Procedures >>> #CSCexpTF ---++ Expert Procedures are >>> #CSCdocTF ---++ Documentation >> -- Main.FredBorcherding - 07 Apr 2008