How to run the PC test at B905 or SX5





            The PC tests are conducted by running a server process on a local DAQPC and a WEB Browser page on any PC.




NOTE:  Before running on any hardware, make sure that no one else is using it.  How??(link to directions here)


Start the Testing Server on the testing host


            Testing can be run at B904 on B904 hardware with the host machine >>>

            Testing can be run at SX5 on the I&C Test Host Machine and PC test hardware >>>

            Testing can be run at SX5 on the MTCC hardware using host machine >>>>

For running on MTCC hardware be VERY sure you are not disturbing other running and leave the system in the state you found it in.


Log onto one of the local DAQPC as user ‘emucomm

                        At B904 this machine is: emulab02

                        Test Stand PC at SX5 this machine is: xxxxxx

                        Slice Test PCrates this machine is: xxxxxxx

            Enter ./  at the prompt to start the server


Start the Hyper-DAQ Web Browser


            Open a web browser on the tester interface PC

                        To connect to the emulab02 server at B904  >> http://emulab02:1972

                        For the test stand PC at SX5 >> xxxxxxxx

                        For Slice Test PC at SX5 >> yyyyyyyy


Click on PC Testing in the web page

Clicking on the PC Testing icon/option on the web page will open the top page of the testing interface.

                        This page(s) is the tester’s interface.  This page and the sub-pages are built on the testing procedures and will walk the tester through the entire series of tests.  Blah, blah, …



Open the PCMB interface


            This process is the tester’s interface to the Peripheral Crate Monitor Board, PCMB.  Note that the window updates at intervals of several seconds so you may want to hit the ‘Get Data’ button to check on the results of any ON/OFF changes. 


    On the host machine start the server (if it is not already running)




    b) open web browser on any machine



         then click: DcsControlWebXdaq




Open the Electronics Board Log 


            This spread sheet is used to log all ‘touches’ of the electronics hardware.  Log the insertion of each board here as it is installed and record the final results of the test.  This is an Excel WS in Windows.  Also the manual re-logging here of insertions and testing is necessary until processes to automatically capture this from the testing are in place.