March 2006 CMS Bulletin Contribution: Muon Endcaps  [ Slice Test]


Slice Test Contribution by Frank Geurts


EMu Slice Test

 The integration of the third station (ME+1) to the existing slice test set-up is well underway. Out of a possible 6 ME+1/1 chambers three have been hooked up to the trigger and DAQ electronics. In a slightly reduced set-up one took part in a integrated test run with Global DAQ. Cosmics passing though the ME+2 and ME+3 stations were used as the trigger. Work is underway to include both more ME+1/1 and ME+1/2 chambers and include those in a Cosmics trigger decision. This, however, is still limited by the availability of trigger electronics (TMB and RAT). As soon as more boards arrive,  more chambers will be added to the trigger and readout paths forming the final  60° slice MTCC target.

 In the Green Barrack, the CSC TrackFinder electronics generates the cosmics trigger based on the information it receives from the Peripheral Trigger electronics (TMB and MPC). This trigger has been the default mode of operation throughout all data runs taken so far.

The TTC partition at the EMu Slice Test has been finalized with the introduction of the TTCci and Local Trigger Control (LTC) card. Both have been adapted to Slice Test operations and are now fully in use for various test and production runs. With this set-up tested the SliceTest is ready to provide for or participate in any “global” MTCC trigger.

 The final DDU/DCC readout electronics has been repeatedly tested at the slice test. A third DDU is currently reading out the ME+1 station. More recently, with the introduction of the LTC card the trigger throttling mechanism (FMM/sTTS)  of the DCC and DDUs was successfully tested in a  joint EMU/Global-DAQ run.