Peripheral Crate Electronics

Testing, Installation and Commissioning Procedures


1    ISR

1.1 Receive Boards

1.2 Store Boards

1.3 Stage Boards for Transfer to B904


2    B904

2.1 Receive Boards

2.2 Install Boards in Test Crate

2.3 Run B904 Tests and Firmware Updates

2.4 Stage Boards for Transfer to SX5


3    SX5

3.1 Receive Boards

3.2 Install Boards in Target PC

3.3 Dress Cables to PC and Boards

3.4 Run Installation Tests

3.5 Run Commissioning and Calibration




1    ISR

1.1 Receive Boards

1.1.1   unpack checking for damage

1.1.2   Check board ID against shipping manifest

1.1.3   Enter board ID into Electronics db

1.1.4   Enter board ID into Electronics Log

1.2 Store Boards

1.2.1   Repack the boards into the shipping box and place on proper area of storage shelves      TBM & RAT boards > Repack into smaller inner box and discard outer larger box and bubble wrap      All other board types > repack into original boxes

1.3 Stage Boards for Transfer to B904

The boards are staged by crates just days before they are to be moved to B904 for testing.  A staging request is sent to ISR that includes the number of each board type needed in the batch.  The requested boards are removed from the boxed storage at ISR, inspected, certain mechanical corrections applied, and loaded into transfer crates.

………………………………This section can be done at ISR or at B904……………………

1.3.1   OSU CC Visual Inspection -

1.3.2   MPC Visual Inspection –

1.3.3   CCB Visual Inspection –

1.3.4   DMB Visual Inspection and mechanical corrections –      Labeling - The DMB do not have a serial number on the front panel.  Labels must be made and attached to the front panel of each DMB.

xxxxxx      Inspect and Correct press fit pin guide at back of board – On many boards either or both of the press fit pin guides are not pushed in fully.  Check each board for properly pressed in guides.  When there is a gap between the guide and the board surface the guide must be pressed completely into the board.  To do this use a large channel lock pliers.  Place the plyers over the rear of the board so that it presses on the top of the guide and the outside of the board under the guide.  Squeeze firmly to press the guide into contact with the board surface.  Then tighten the Philips head screw that is also on the guide.

1.3.5   TMB Visual Inspection and mechanical corrections –

1.3.6   RAT Visual Inspection –


1.3.7   Transport boxes of boards to B904 >> Remember the fiche


2    B904 –

      The test fixture at B904 consists of an empty PC, LVPS, a set of skew clear cables to one CSC and a control PC.  The only IO to the crate is a single optical fiber from the computer to the CC.

2.1 Receive Boards 

2.1.1   Log boards into B904>> Start Electronics Log 

2.1.2   If not already done, complete 1.3.1 through 1.3.6 of above

2.1.3   Transfer boards to staging crates // or target test crate as appropriate

2.2 Install Boards in Test Crate

2.1.1   Remove all old boards from the test crate

2.1.2   Power up crate and check voltages >> Start Hyper-DAQ Session 

2.1.3   Install CC board and power up.  Check voltages.  Connect fiber optic network cable to CC and test communications.

2.1.4   Install full set of boards in crate EXCEPT CCB      Visually inspect each board prior to loading.      Check the switches and fuses on each board prior to loading. [ See below for proper switch settings and fuse values. ]      Power up crate and check that the CYLON lights are not on the TMB’s

If the clock switch is not set to external on a TMB it will boot up and go into CYLON mode.  If the switch is set to remote the lights will come on and stay fixed.  This is the mode they should come up in.  This test checks that this switch is set to remote.      Power down, insert CCB, and power back up

The TMB lights should all be in CYLON mode

2.3 Run B904 Tests and Firmware Updates>> Start Hyper-DAQ Session 

2.3.1   Check firmware on each board >> update as appropriate

2.3.2   Run single board tests on CC, MPC and CCB

2.3.2a The next step (missing in your list) should be a joint test of 9 TMBs with the MPC,
including measurement of the "safe window".

2.3.3   Attach skewclear cables to DMB/TMB/RAT set 1      Click on “TMB Status slot=2”  >> Check that status is OK      Click on “TMB Tests slot=2”  >> Then “Run All TMB Tests”  >> Check that all tests are OK      Click on “DMB Status slot=3”  >> Check that status is OK      Click on “DMB Tests slot=3”  >> Then “DMB Test All”  >> Check that all tests are OK      Click on “Crate Tests TMBslot=2 DMBslot=3”  >> Then “Automatic”  >> Check that all tests are OK      Move cables to next set of DMB/TMB/RAT and repeat until all 9 sets completed

2.4 Stage boards for transfer to SX5

2.4.1   Record slot versus board ID so that boards can be installed in same slots at SX5 they were tested in.

2.4.2   Pack odd-number-slot boards into box A, even-number-slot boards into box B.

2.4.3   Label boxes and move to B904toSX5 staging area to await pick up and transfer.


3    SX5

The test fixture at SX5 consists of a control PC and temporary LVPS for both the PC and its related 9 CSC’s.  The only IO to the crate is a single optical fiber from the computer to the CC.

3.1 Receive Boards

3.2 Install Boards in Target PC

3.3 Dress Cables to PC and Boards

3.4 Run Installation Tests

3.5 Run Commissioning and Calibration






Switches and Fuses for Boards in Peripheral Crates:


Front Panel Switch settings (Typical but not critical):

VCC                     SW1(LED function) 1          HEX

VCC                     SW2(Modes)             0          HEX


Fuse Values for VCC:

VCC                     F5(VPC)                    1.6A

VCC                     F1(+5V)                      5A


Switches and Fuses – ordered from top to bottom, then left to right

DMB                     SW1                           0                                  right

DMB                     SW2                           0                                  right

DMB                     SW3                           0                                  right

DMB                     SW4                           0                                  right


Switches and Fuses – ordered from top to bottom, then left to right

MPC                     SW11                         lsb 0000 00               all left

MPC                     SW10                         lsb 1111 1111           all up

MPC                     SW8                           lsb 01                         d, up

MPC                     SW1                           lsb 10                         d, up

MPC                     SW2                           lsb 01                         up, d

MPC                     SW5                           lsb 0000 0000 msb  all down

MPC                     SW13                         lsb 1001                     up,d,d,up

MPC                     SW12                         lsb 0100                     r,l,r,r


MPC                     F8                               5A

MPC                     F10                             5A

MPC                     F3                               5A

MPC                     F1                               5A

MPC                     F4                               out

MPC                     F2                               out

MPC                     F9                               5A

MPC                     F7                               5A

MPC                     F11                             out


Switches and Fuses – ordered from top to bottom, then left to right

CCB                     SW11                         lsb 0000 00               all left

CCB                     SW5                           lsb 0001                     l,l,l,r

CCB                     SW7                           lsb 1010                     r,l,r,l

CCB                     SW8                           lsb 10                         r,l

CCB                     SW2                           lsb 0000 11               d,d,d,d,u,u

CCB                     SW10                         lsb 0011 0100           d,d,u,u d,u,d,d

CCB                     SW9                           lsb 1111 1111           all up

CCB                     SW6                           lsb 0011 1111           d,d,up>>

CCB                     SW4                           lsb 1000 0000           up, down>>

CCB                     SW3                           lsb 1111 1111 msb  all up


CCB                     F3                               5A

CCB                     F4                               5A

CCB                     F1                               5A

CCB                     F2                               5A

CCB                     F5                               out


Switches and Fuses – ordered from top to bottom, then left to right

TMB                      SW62                         1                                  left

TMB                      SW1                           A                                 hex

TMB                      SW2                           1                                  hex


TMB                      SW921                       1                                  left


TMB                      SW107                       0                                  right

TMB                      SW106                       1                                  left

TMB                      SW105                       1                                  left

TMB                      SW104                       1                                  left

TMB                      SW95                         0                                  right


TMB                      SW1081                     1                                  l

TMB                      SW1082                     1                                  l

TMB                      SW1083                     1                                  l

TMB                      SW1084                     1                                  l


TMB                      SW55                         1                                  left

TMB                      SW56                         1                                  left

TMB                      SW57                         1                                  left

TMB                      SW97                         1                                  left


TMB                      SW69-1                      0                                  d

TMB                      SW69-2                      0                                  d


TMB                      SW501                       1                                  r

TMB                      SW502                       0                                  l


TMB                      SW74                         0                                  r

TMB                      SW3                           4                                  hex


TMB                      F1                               5A

TMB                      F2                               10A

TMB                      F3                               5A

TMB                      F4                               1A

TMB                      R412                          ?????                         variable resistor





PCProceduresPage1.htm              24-April-2006                        Fred Borcherding