Peripheral Crate Electronics

Testing, Installation and Commissioning Procedures




Start Hyper-DAQ Session


{   Run Hyper-DAQ Session     }





After the server session has been started the web browser should be opened.


http://emulab02:1972 will start the browser on EMULAB02

SX5 Commission Test Stand >> Presently at B904

http://emucom01:1972 will start the browser on EMUCOM01


http://emuslice01:1972 will start the browser on EMUSLICE01



NOTE:  If it becomes necessary to cycle the power on the Peripheral Crate you need to kill the server process and restart it.  You also need to return the browser to the above URL.




Above is the first screen of the Hyper-DAQ

Click on EmuCrateHyperDA… to start session





A configuration file must be loaded into the server process. Click on Browse to view possible files.




The file ‘config_allslots.xml’ will configure the process for a full crate.  Pick the desired file and select open.



With a new configuration file selected, click ‘Send” to load file into upper panel and then ‘Set configuration file local’ to load the xml file into the process.



The first panel of the testing session will now appear.



Run Hyper-DAQ Session  


StartHyperDAQSession.htm                      3-March-2006                       Fred Borcherding